My Top 5 “Got No Time” beauty tips…

So I’m not actually very good at makeup or hair or beauty stuff in general haha so feel free to close the page now. However, there are a few things I do to make me feel better about myself and convince others that I’m actually bothered about my appearance. For context I am for sure the type of gal who will happily go anywhere makeup free, and hit the swimming pool without having shaved my legs for a year, but for the sake of others (and my husband) I do try make a bit of an effort the majority of the time. Soooo here are my top five, non-ground breaking tips for speedy beauty that I do at least every day/week to keep me feeling fiiiiiiine…

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How I got my baby to sleep through…

…I didn’t, another click bait title I can only apologise for 😂…

So I thought I’d make a list of all my thoughts on baby sleep as it’s been far from plain sailing/10 hours night for me…ill keep it simple and to the point and apologise in advance if I annoy anyone- I have full respect for babies that sleep well (do I though, or am I just pissed off at them…)
Disclaimer…these are my experiences, take them or leave them…I’m too tired to care…

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